Sunday 11 January 2015

Dark side of the Drake 1.01

~~~Continued from~~~
2181 AD, December 35th

The deed was done. Despite her personal horror at the very idea of taking a life, she had been convinced that there was no other choice. Jikana Enka had helped assassinate Kair IsMatis. By then, everyone was aware of the atrocities committed, and many had already attempted to take his life. But they hadn't sworn to do no harm. Technically she never personally harmed Kair, but without her skill, it would have been impossible. Jikana is a practitioner of Unimagus, one of the most difficult forms to master, easily requiring hundreds of years. Among her skills is the ability to manipulate the flow of time. Her skills allowed the team of assassins to complete their task before Kair could react.

Now that it was over, the weight of her guilt was too heavy for her, so she decided to leave. Pskaen was too small and too crowded to hold the burden. Leaving a message for her handler, she sought out a Dragon for assistance.

Her message:
I know it was for the best, but I need time to heal. If I'm truly needed, you can find me on the dark side of Mt. Drake.
-J. Enka

~~~To be continued~~~

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